Sunday, October 13, 2013

Now 3d Design

3d Design looks amazing. Am going to try it and see what happens. I saw the option in illustrator but I never click it. I know by fact that Photoshop has it too but still I did not use it. the thing that it got me interesting was when I saw a page of a magazine with a 3d text, similar to the 3d picture that I have on the bottom.  When I saw the design on that magazine I was like what? and inside my head I was like I need to try something like these. May be just playing with the 3d option on a text first. get to know the different option that the 3d text can do and then later do the 3d text and I play it to a photo, illustration, were ever the 3d text may fit, but that will be later on, like later on...   

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Graphic Design Lecture

First think she mentions: Have a portfolio and. keep with the trend of design, and continue studying, and if you have a job and your boss or company are willing to pay for you to go to school take it, go to school to learn more about graphic design. also have a process book for you to sketch and have a concept for you to design. The second thing is a resume: winch graphic designers have the opportunity to design, but do not over design it because it also need to be readable. Internship is also important now a days, it can be a pay internship or none pay internship but both are good to get experience. this video is very informational for what a designer needs to do.      
YouTube Link:

Friday, October 4, 2013

35 Fresh and Cool Web Design Interfaces for Inspiration

Just to get an idea if you are planing to make a web for your own. if you go to the link you will find very and I mean very cool web design interfaces. All of the 35 design are amazing but I like the  Retro – Web Layout by detrans. my reaction was waoo may be with all the other ones but more with the Retro web layout I like the back ground, that feel of a wall paper old wallpaper and those tears really go with the layout. it feels so elegant and calm in harmony and the photos that they pick were also amazing. the link is down if you are interesting on web layout like the title says for inspiration. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hey!@ LOOK…

Web design has different areas that include: graphic design, interface design, authoring, standardized code and proprietary software, user experience design and search engine optimization. I never knew that Graphic Design had many areas to "choose from" , and I think there is more areas but may be those are the most noticeable one's.