Monday, January 27, 2014

Retro Collages For Inspiration

I post a link about ventage collages, 40 cool collages. Now is time to look at some Retro collages for more inspiration. I look at all of them well what the pages was displaying and all of them are very awesome and they rally get you inspire. The back ground and the imagenes they use to create one are very nice. I haven't try to do one digital collage like but now looking at the collage retro inspiration I will  start thinking more about doing or just trying to do one digitally to see how it will look like. Here is the link of the web site, and some example.
Web Link: 

45 Cool Vintage Collages

I found these web site that have 45 Cool Vintage Collage. All of them are very cool. The inspiration will flow if you are creating a collage it can be digital or hands on it will be up to you when choosing your media. I did one collage for one class and it was hands on,  like using only magazines pictures. It was fun because that was my 2nd or 3rd collage so it was fun. here is the link of the web page and some examples.

Web Link:

1st of all What is a collage?

A collage is an Art form, made from different media.  It can include newspaper, photos, colors, natural stuff like leaves, flowers, grass etc, objects and much much more. Anyone can make a collage. Here is a vide that explain exactly what I am talking about. Also that you have a further understanding of what is a collage and go from there to learn more about collage, enjoy.