Friday, May 9, 2014

Montages for Inspiration

Here are some montages (Digital Montages) for inspiration I put only the best montages. So check them out or even more fun try to do one from you, ok have fun.

Book The Fine Art of Digital Montage

Catherine Mclntyre is now free of her rotring pens and scalpe, and went to Photoshop to create the most interesting montages. In the book she talks about her sources of inspiration has well has her methods. Showing us a very interesting guide to get a awesome composition, color, texture, and other interesting things. While the book makes us use Photoshop the technic can be apply to any digital imaging. For more information check out the book at for only $24.59 and if you want it electronically is cost $19.22. Here is the link to

Digital Montage

It is easier to do a digital montage because you have more control on what you want the image to look like. For example a surreal composition: To get that dreamy effect the technic is to in focus and out of focus is a combination of both. That technic has been a very popular technic for years given some very good compositions. The ability of digital montage or even a collage is that you can manipulate the image or illustration to your like ness. Some examples of a surrealist effect.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kinds of Photomontages

These kinds of photomontages are not strictly for photography's. We can also do them with illustrations, digital. nature, video you name it. The first one is Reflections and Opacity. here is an example.
The second one is Form: objects are located relative to each other, perspectival space, and us, the viewers.

Third: Horizon and Perspective Space:

The last kind of photomontage is: Superposition (stacking).


Digital Montage (Inspiration)

I found these web site were it show many posters that are Montages. Let me just tell you that a montage is not restricted only to short parts of many or a lot of videos put together. A montage can also be associated with posters like the ones I am about to show, also check out the web site for more great montage poster there are very cools ones in there. I advise you to check the web site for inspiration.



Montage of a game

Here is a montage of a famous game call of duty. The video give us the one of many options on how we can create a montage. Music is also part of a montage and I think that the music is an important roll to the creation of a montage. We can do any montage with any type of video not only with video games but with other kind of video film.

Collage vs Montage???

We learn that a collage is: an art form, made from different media.  It can include newspaper, photos, colors, natural stuff like leaves, flowers, grass etc. and a montage is: the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole. But really what is the difference well let me tell you with simple words. A collage is a set of pictures and a montage is a short of video clips. Here is an example of a collage and a montage.