Saturday, December 7, 2013

RAM Campaign Analyzes (Ad)

My information about RAM Campaign Analyzes (Ad) and a video that explains why Ram is a Heavy Duty Truck.

  • Ram: Ram Trucks was established as a division of Chrysler in 2009, as a spinoff from Doge, using the name of the popular Doge Ram line of pickups that is now sold under the Ram banner. Founded in 1980 as Doge Trucks and in 1993 the Ram logo was applied to Doge models. But in 2009 Ram split from Doge, so now Ram in not longer part of Doge. Some of the completion includes: Chevrolet, Ford, and Toyota. Ram sells trucks and some trucks range from: $24,385 - $30795.
  • Ram trucks are unique because the trucks are the Best in class fuel efficiency, impressive performance and the most important durability that you can count on for those tough jobs that are out there. The USP for this particular campaign is “GROUNDBRAKING” From the Ground Up (Walk a mile). 
  • This campaign was running during the wet season (fall) to give it a more heavy duty effect for those out doors tough jobs. And yes, it makes a difference in the success of the campaign because the viewer the target audience can get an idea on how a tough truck can perform on a tough weather with a tough job. The campaign run on the oil field, were the weather can be wild and the job tougher. The media that they use not for these but for all of there campaigns are mini commercials highlighting specific factors about the truck, the product. They choose that media (mini commercial or ad) because it can reach to more people than just doing posters, or radio announcement. The commercial can be air on free TV, pay TV, and the internet. That will reach many thousand of people.  
  • They are advertising because they want to let people know that RAM is a tough truck that can handle anything, anytime, anywhere, anyplace. And that there is no better truck than RAM. The problem that they were trying to solve is that for a tough job you need a tough truck, but what truck can give that: well RAM is the answer because RAM can handle the terrain, the weather and most important your tough demanding job.
  • The audience for there campaign ad is man. Tough man that work on those jobs that need a tough truck that can handle anything.  They can rage from the ages of 30 to 50. There occupation is a tough demanding job that needs a very well rounded truck for that particular job. For a tough truck you need a tough man and a job. And there hobbies can be: going to a bar and just relax with there work friends or just friends, and just have a good time. So RAM is the way to go.  

Design Trends 2013

here is a quick video on the trends that were happening or still happening about design this year 2013. The two most interesting to me were the wooded back ground and the blurred background. On a personal note I never try a wooded back ground, but what I can tell you is that I recently did a poster using a blurred background, well not using it making it a blurred back ground and I like the out come of it it look good. I still need to try it more on different projects and definitely the wooded texture too. I have use texture on other projects but no the wood one, need to try that too. I will  be very alert for the design trend that will be happening during the up coming year 2014.


Top 20 Trends in 2013 Forecast

The video that will be displayed below will show you the top 20 trends of this year 2013. what people are doing and creating to reach for a more bigger audience. The video is from the Trend Hunters YouTube  web site. Some trends that they mention are going back like from the old days like: Delivery Vintage were the video, photo etc will have the look of an old photo, In dust Retail  this is like an old looking room. But what is Trend Hunter well Trend Hunter is a source of inspiration for industry professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs and the insatiably curious. Each day, Trend Hunter features a daily dose of micro-trends, viral news and pop culture. The most popular micro-trends are featured on Trend Hunter TV.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Can You Be Successful Only with Design Skills? and NOT HTML

The answer is yes But in order to do that you first have to become an expert on the design aspect. Like he mention take about a year or less to just focusing on your design, working your lay out, background, image and typography all those skills that come in to play when developing a web or a design. And then later on when the design aspect is mastered or going on the right direction, you can start little by little leaning HTML and CSS. Yeah you can get pay good money just knowing the design portion but with the knowledge of HTML and CSS the pay will be a lot more and I mean a lot Click on the video see what  I am talking about.

Digital UX Design

I did a presentation about UX Design and it was very informative  because I never knew that UX Design was like a job under the umbrella of graphic design. But what is UX Design, well first of all UX refers to User Experience, and is how a person feels when interfacing with a system. it can be:

  • Website 
  • Web application
  • Software
The UX Designers study and evaluate how users feels about a system. How easy is to use, perception for that particular system, utility, efficiency task and much more. Here are some things to know about UX Designer:
  • Cannot or will not accomplish a lot of things.
  •  Design won't work in every situation for every user.
  •  Addresses how a user feels when using a system and not how friendly and efficient the interface is. 

Game Design

Game design also intrigues me, just to know how many years a very good game takes to be developed is just amazing. how the creative work is, everything is just amazing. Also the designer of the game or any game is very much like the director of a film just with that is amazing but not only that. He is also the visionary of the game and controls the artistic and technical elements of the game in fulfillment of the vision.  And to be a gamer designer you need ti have artistic and technical competence and writing skills., so you need to be very well prepared to take the role of a game designer. Here is a video to fully understand what is a Game designer.

Design Critic

This was a project for graphic design in which we were asked to critic an art work using different graphic design terms:
The first things that attract my attention were the different geometric shapes that this design has. I mean I can see two rectangles side ways, circles and what it looks to appear like a pointing arrow. I also can see some biometric shapes were the shape has a more curb line than the geometric one.  The petals of the flower are biometric shapes and also the feathers located on the four corners of the poster are also biometric shapes.  A line and contrast play also a big role on the design was in my opinion line was used to create the contrast. Also with in the contras the value appears on the small petal of the flower but also on the big ones. What am seeing also is consistency on the use of repetition with the out side pattern and the inside, the background. Balance is also there because I can see that both sides are equally the same, same form, shape, line everything is well balance.  Lastly is Unity or Harmony, were the design transmits that harmony or that unity on which all parts belong there. I like every aspect of that particular poster specially the use of geometric and biometric shapes and the use o repletion, very nice work. 

40 Tips for brand-new freelance designers

I was so interesting about leaning more about freelance designers. So I took the time to do some research and I found this web site that gives  very straight tips for those who are planing to work has a freelance designers. The very first thing he mention is the client. He mention that with out the client freelance designers are nothing. Client relation is the most important factor for a designer who is working on his own  and crucial too. And n that client relation he point out some very important things to fallow, for example:

  • Don’t undersell yourself to clients.
  • Explain your process in simplest terms.
  • Your client is not always right and it is okay to respectfully disagree.
  • Create a contract or terms and make your clients stick to it.
  • Always have the client deposit a certain percentage of the money up-front.
  • those are some of the tips that a freelance designers should fallow. He also mention other important things about freelance designers like: 

    When Designing, Time and Project Management, Marketing, etc. Here is the link if you want to learn more about it. 

    Saturday, November 16, 2013


    Artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It emphasize on concepts of the future, including speed, technology, youth and violence, and objects such as the car, the aeroplane and the industrial city. These art movement explored every medium of art: including painting, sculpture, poetry, theatre, music, architecture and even gastronomy.
    Now a days Futurism has many ideas from the past to get inspired from. Specially political and artistic traditions. The stile that I like fron Futurism art movement is the Futurism Architecture, because the use of lines with any design are so well placed. that geometric shapes are so amazing some shapes may be organic but still it adds to the overall of the design. Also with the use of line you can portrait speed, motion, urgency and lyricism.

    Some Examples: 

    Sunday, October 13, 2013

    Now 3d Design

    3d Design looks amazing. Am going to try it and see what happens. I saw the option in illustrator but I never click it. I know by fact that Photoshop has it too but still I did not use it. the thing that it got me interesting was when I saw a page of a magazine with a 3d text, similar to the 3d picture that I have on the bottom.  When I saw the design on that magazine I was like what? and inside my head I was like I need to try something like these. May be just playing with the 3d option on a text first. get to know the different option that the 3d text can do and then later do the 3d text and I play it to a photo, illustration, were ever the 3d text may fit, but that will be later on, like later on...   

    Tuesday, October 8, 2013

    Graphic Design Lecture

    First think she mentions: Have a portfolio and. keep with the trend of design, and continue studying, and if you have a job and your boss or company are willing to pay for you to go to school take it, go to school to learn more about graphic design. also have a process book for you to sketch and have a concept for you to design. The second thing is a resume: winch graphic designers have the opportunity to design, but do not over design it because it also need to be readable. Internship is also important now a days, it can be a pay internship or none pay internship but both are good to get experience. this video is very informational for what a designer needs to do.      
    YouTube Link:

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    35 Fresh and Cool Web Design Interfaces for Inspiration

    Just to get an idea if you are planing to make a web for your own. if you go to the link you will find very and I mean very cool web design interfaces. All of the 35 design are amazing but I like the  Retro – Web Layout by detrans. my reaction was waoo may be with all the other ones but more with the Retro web layout I like the back ground, that feel of a wall paper old wallpaper and those tears really go with the layout. it feels so elegant and calm in harmony and the photos that they pick were also amazing. the link is down if you are interesting on web layout like the title says for inspiration. 


    Wednesday, October 2, 2013

    Hey!@ LOOK…

    Web design has different areas that include: graphic design, interface design, authoring, standardized code and proprietary software, user experience design and search engine optimization. I never knew that Graphic Design had many areas to "choose from" , and I think there is more areas but may be those are the most noticeable one's. 

    Thursday, August 29, 2013

    One of Michael Angelo Drawing's, He is an inspiration if I want to draw people. Not only to draw them on a sketch book but also to start put them in Photoshop to do some retouch or making them illustration. I am going to start doing that, to experiment and see how it look. I have some drawing that I did for my drawing class that look something like the sketch drawing above, am going  to use those and go from there. And also I would like to try to do some type faces.      

    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Do you Like Design?

    Just Express Your Self!. Yeah if you are working with a client you may be limited to what you can express of your own ideas. like if they want elegant but you do something different the client will tell you that you are going on a wrong way. So yeah with a client our expression is limited but with free projects we can do what we really want to express.   


    well  I never though of doing a blog ore even use one to post about graphic design. Now i will start using these blog for what I like about graphic design it can from , photos, illustrations, videos and much more that I found interesting and the ones that I like. and from all those post that I do, pick one design, poster, illustration etc. and do it to get more experience.